Xavier aptitude test that is also known as the XAT exam is an admission test. It is an admission test for mainly MBA or PGDM programs. With help of this admission test, students can enter top MBA colleges. Apart from that, it can grant entry into over 160 colleges in India. However, in this article, we are going to tell you about important things about the XAT exam. XAT exam date, registration, for, as well as XAT form, will be discussed here. These things are important. Hence, we tried to provide as much as possible for the students. We mentioned some XAT online classes as well. This will help students will get every detail about the exam.

What is XAT Exam and Why It is Important?
Xavier Labour Relations Institute Jamshedpur conducts the XAT exam in the month of January. This exam is acceptable in 160 B-schools in India. In addition, this exam is conducted through online mode. XAT exam has more than enough test centers in 72 cities in our country. Hence, it is evident that this exam holds an important part. However, it is necessary to understand its importance at first. After that, we will give details about the XAT exam date, registration, and others.
Whoever aims for business management and HRM, can give XAT a try. As XLRI belongs to one of the top 10 institutes in India, it has a high reputation. Therefore, if any candidate wants to enter there, has to go through this exam. This aptitude exam will measure student’s ability under pressure. It assesses candidates’ capabilities for the corporate sector’s pressure. Thus, it is understandable that it is an important exam.
XAT Exam 2022 and Eligibility Criteria
Important changes in XAT exam
As the importance is clear, take look at the further details. XAT 2022 is in the corner. So, learning about XAT registration, online classes, and the XAT form is a necessary step. Moreover, for XAT 2022, more than 100 venues are assigned. On the other hand, there are some changes in the exam that need to look into. The major changes are as follows.
- It will be a computer-based exam from 2022. Previously it was a paper-based exam.
- The exam will be a single shot exam and will be taken in one day.
- Other than that, the exam time will be from 10 am – 1 pm. Before, it was 9:30 am – 12:30 pm.
- There will be a total of 100 questions all of which is MCQ. Therefore, there will be no essay type question. Furthermore, there will be no negative marking for NAT questions as well.
- Four sections of the questions paper will consist of different questions. However, percentile calculation won’t consider 25 questions of GK.
- Further, visually challenged candidates will have additional 25 minutes. Although, these 25 minutes are for solving part one of the exam.
- Every question will hold 1 mark while wrong answers will cost ¼ negative marking.
- For XAT online exam, the GK part will not have any negative marking. Additionally, every MCQ will have 5 options with the correct one.

Those are the major changes that students will come across in 2022. Thereafter, take a look at the eligibility criteria for the XAT exam 2022.
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility criteria for the XAT exam are the simplest among other MBA admission tests. The minimum criteria are to have a bachelor’s degree. The other exams require 50 percentages. But XAT registration for 2022 requires only a degree. Therefore, it will be easier to apply XAT online exam. In addition, there is no age bar, minimum qualifying marks, and others for XAT registration. However, the graduation needs to be done by June 2022. Now, have a glance at the XAT registration process, XAT exam date, and XAT online classes.
Registration Process, Exam Date, and XAT Online Classes
On the other hand, the XAT registration process is simple as well. Students need to create an account on the official website of the XAT exam. At first, candidates need to create login credentials for the XAT exam. A unique XAT ID will be needed for this process. Visiting the official website for the XAT form will help in that case. After that, they need to fill up XAT 2022 application form precisely. Lastly, candidates have to pay the application fee for XAT registration and online exams.
Students can find out the online exam form on XAT’s official website easily. While registering for the XAT exam students will have to pay Rs. 1750. They can use credit/debit cards, UPI, and net banking for the payment process. Thus, they won’t find any difficulties in that case. At the same, students can also prepare in both online and offline mode for the exam.
However, in this COVID-19 pandemic situation, most of the coaching classes are looking for alternatives. Hence, XAT online classes are becoming more appreciated nowadays. In the following part, we are going to provide details about it. Therefore, students will have a clear understanding of the XAT exam coaching.
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Exam Dates and Online classes
XAT 2022 will take place on the 1st week of January 2022. The application process will commence on the 2nd week of September 2022. Thereafter, the Last day for XAT registration will be on the first week of December 2021. Hence, students and willing candidates needs to prepare right away. Furthermore, the admit card for the exam will come out on the 3rd week of December 2021.
Currently, it is obvious what situation the COVID-19 pandemic has created. Many coaching classes provide XAT online classes. Career Launcher, CrackU, 2IIM, and other coaching classes offer online classes for the XAT exam. However, different coaching classes have the potential to offer different facilities. Therefore, it is important to consider all before taking XAT online classes. Further, to prepare for the XAT exam, candidates have to know the syllabus. With proper knowledge about the syllabus and pattern, it will be easier.
XAT 2022 Exam Syllabus
To help candidates more, we have included the XAT exam syllabus as well. The syllabus of this exam is quite similar to other MBA entrance exams. However, it does include a unique topic as well. This is decision-making. Business decisions and ethical considerations are part of this section. Hence, the answers will be based on an analysis of the situation. Other than it, the XAT exam has quantitative, verbal & logical ability, data interpretation, and GK. They are the main topics of this exam after doing XAT registration. Candidates need to focus on these while choosing a XAT online class. To help students further, we analyzed ever important parts of the topic after filling up the XAT form.
- Decision Making: It has logical sequencing, assumptions, and premises. Furthermore, it also seating arrangements, conclusions, etc.
- Verbal & Logical Ability: Reading comprehension and vocabulary are a part of it. Students have to focus on analogy, para jumble and grammar. It has critical reasoning and fills in the blanks for the XAT exam.
- Quantitative Ability and Data Interpretation: This part includes tables, cases, and algebra. It has percentages and others. In addition, bar diagrams and pie charts are also included in this case.
- GK: As for the GK of the XAT exam, it has everything included. Science, business, economy, politics, sports, world govt. and others are in this part. Furthermore, there are some other topics as well.

Hence, knowing the XAT exam date, registrations, and online classes, will be helpful for preparation. Though it is not as tough as CAT, it still requires solid preparation.
XAT stands for Xavier Aptitude Test that XLRI Jamshedpur conducts every year. It is an MBA entrance exam that can allow students in 160 B-schools across India.
According to the exam pattern, the XAT exam date for 2022 will be scheduled for the first week of January. However, the authority will release official notice about it in August. While notifying students about XAT registration, they will release this news as well.
Like other MBA entrances, XAT also has negative markings. However, for NAT part of XAT, it does not have negative marking. Apart from that, every question is worth 1 mark while negative marking is ¼ of each mark. Students will have 100 MCQ questions to answer.
Usually, it takes 9-12 months for preparations. Hence, candidates need to focus on the preparation strategy carefully. They have to analyze their strengths and weaknesses in the process. Although this analysis has to be based on the XAT syllabus. Students can start preparing before XAT registration and take XAT online classes for better performances.
Many famous B-schools in India accept XAT exam scores. Some of them are IMT Ghaziabad, LIBA Chennai, GIM Goa, and others. Therefore, the importance of the XAT score is understandable.
Editor’s Note | XAT Exam
Lastly, it can be said that the XAT exam is highly important for MBA aspirants. It requires both time and dedication in order to be successful. As many top B-school looks for it, students need to prepare seriously. Here, you have got details about the XAT exam date, registration, and online classes. It will be useful for the preparation. XAT exam can help MBA aspirants in getting top B-schools. Thus, this information will help in that matter. Apart from that, aspirants will get to know important data as well. Eligibility criteria, dates, syllabus is highly essential for the exam. Therefore, all can be found in this article. Aspirants can easily understand it.