For admission into top B schools, you have passed many stages. The very first step for an MBA is your entrance test. There are many MBA entrance exams you can pick any one of them. Out of all the available entrance tests, CAT/GMAT, and GRE are widely preferred by students. Moreover, these are national and global level MBA entrance tests. You can easily secure a seat with a good MBA entrance score. However, the new world wants more out of potential candidates. Hence, now only an entrance test score isn’t enough to secure a seat at the top b schools. You need more than that. Hence, some conduct an extempore speech round for selection. Therefore, today, we will share some extempore examples, tips, and topics for college students. Moreover, we will also teach you how to prepare for an extempore.
What is an Extempore Speech?
Firstly, we will learn what is an extempore and then talk about how to prepare for an extempore. Many institutes conduct a GDPI round after the results. Candidates who are successful in the GD round are selected for the Personal Interview. Some b schools also conduct a writing ability test. Also known as WAT. However, the extempore speech round is more trending among MBA colleges nowadays. Hence, you should prepare yourself for this as well. An extempore is just like a speech. However, when you are giving a speech you have a definite topic. Moreover, you prepare for the topic well in advance before speaking out. Hence, a speech is more definite and clear to prepare for. On the other hand, extempore is a type of speech.
However, there is only a minor difference between the two. And this difference makes it a very crucial part of your prep. In an extempore, you do not have any idea about the topic of your speech. For more on the admission process at IIMs: click here.
Extempore Tips to improve your speech
The examiner can ask topics from any category for an extempore speech. Hence, you cannot know what topic you will get and how it will be. This feature makes it more challenging. Hence, you can work on your ability to think and speak effortlessly or impromptu. Even though there are no definite topics, we will try to state some examples for your practice. Thus, even random topics can help you to improve your speech and that’s the main goal. While you are at the speech test, you will get a topic on the spot. Basically, these topics are general in nature.
Hence, it is expected that you have at least the basic knowledge about it. Moreover, you cannot invest much time in thinking. However, you can take 1 to 2 mins to think for a clearer speech. After you think the real challenge is to speak fluently. You should clearly speak your thoughts out. Even if you get stuck somewhere, you shouldn’t stop.
Extempore Speech Examples/Topics for college students
- Reservation system in India.
- Are scores a good measure of intelligence?
- Women in Cinema.
- Banking Frauds.
- Goods and Services Tax (GST)
- Article 370
- Feminism.
- Traffic Problem in Mumbai.
- Inflation or Growth.
- Unemployment in India.
These are some of the Extempore speech example topics for college students. However, there can be topics from the most recent events in the country. The major focus is on business and economical questions. However, current affairs also have a strong position. Hence, an extempore speaker should keep himself well versed will all the topics and events around him. You can either explain your perspectives or simply talk about what you know of the topic. Firstly, you should start by introducing the topic. Hence, you can talk two to three lines about the topic. Further, you can talk about the main issues or more about the topic. If there is any crumbling current issue around the topic, make sure you do not miss out on that.
Furthermore, after you finish talking about the core topic, you can reasonably conclude the issue/subject. However, if you are talking about a social issue, try and conclude it with a solution. However, if it is an abstract topic, you can conclude with some of your opinion or what is widely accepted in society. For topics with don’t have any conclusion, you can simply mention your views whether positive or negative about the topic. Hence, starting and ending the extempore speech is very important for more effectiveness. After this, let’s talk about how to prepare for an extempore.
How to Prepare for an Extempore Speech
Here are the extempore tips for you. Firstly, you should prepare for your MBA entrance test. Understand the total syllabus and the total pattern. Make sure you create a timetable. Follow the routine and take mock tests. Once the exam dates are declared, you should start solving the previous year’s question papers. Then, you should download your admit cards, and attempt the exam. After your exams, you will get the results online within a few weeks. Hence, you will not have to wait for a much longer time. There is a short window between our exams and results. Hence, you should use this window smartly. Even if you are unsure about the results, you should start preparing for the next rounds. Firstly, prepare for the GDPI round. Get some information on your GD topics.
Group Discussion is essential. It is conducted by IIMs for your admissions. Some IIMs also conduct personal interviews for successful candidates. Additionally, there can also be a written ability test for you. However, the WAT test is conducted in a few institutes. The extempore speech topics for college students are quite similar to GD topics. However, in the extempore, you are the only one speaking. On the other hand, in the GD, there are many people to talk to. Hence, when you are the lone speaker, you need more confidence. You are in the limelight and your mistakes can easily be noted.
Steps for preparation
Here is how to prepare for the Extempore Speech round.
- Browse through some common current affairs topics.
- Segregate topics from political, social issues, business, and economical categories.
- Read the newspapers every day.
- Choose the right articles and read. Do not waste your time on unnecessary political agendas.
- Take help from News TV channels.
- Read Business Magazines.
- Be thorough with your university education so that you can briefly describe your university major if asked for.
- Prepare a short intro on yourself.
- Practice speaking nonstop for at least 4 to 5 minutes.
- Read and speak every day for better results.
For more on MBA exams: Click here.

Firstly, an extempore speech should be simple. That is, it should be spoken in an easy language, formal or informal as per requirements. You can speak from two mins to five mins. 2 is the minimum time you should speak for. However, if you have spoken much within that time, you can stop without thinking much about the time.
Yes. As per our extempore tips, an informal speech is okay as long as you use the right kind of words to describe your experience. However, you should understand that you are speaking in front of an expert panel and start talking accordingly.
Sometimes, additional selection rounds are counted for. However, mostly, they are just personality tests. Hence, there are no marks assigned. Your MBA entrance test score matters more, however, the panel will test if you are fit for admission into their institute.
Editor’s Note | Extempore Speech
Here we will conclude our article today. In today’s article, we talked about what is an Extempore Speech. Hence, we tried to understand what exactly this extempore is. When we understand the concept, we will be in a better position to prepare for it. Hence, we first understood the concept and then talked about a few extempore tips to improve your speech. After we talked about the extempore tips/examples, we moved ahead with some extempore speech topics and examples for college students. Hence, we saw how you can expect topics from different fields around you. We listed the most recent topics in the picture. However, you can rely on the current topics during your exam and take these examples just as a reference.
After we listed the examples for your extempore speech, we talked about how to prepare for your extempore. Thus, we gave you a short chronology of your MBA admission stages. Then we listed the ten steps to your final extempore preparation. Therefore, we now understand that an extempore isn’t a very difficult stage. You just need some confidence and public speaking skills. Engage in the topic, make sure you know about the topic. Only when you think clearly, then can you speak about it. However, if you are not familiar with an extempore topic. You can request the examiner for a different topic. This will help you from unwanted blabbering about the topic and losing points.
Do not allow yourself to get stuck in between. Clear your head before your exam. Moreover, start preparing for this round when you have the time. Use your before results and after exams time window wisely and you will never regret the investment you made in yourself. All the Best.